In the past I have made the Moravian Cookies each Christmas. Youngest son loves them and declares it would not be Christmas without them. This year I am adding Love Feast Buns to our traditions. Church is later in morning this time, since Christmas lands on Sunday. I love the traditional Christmas Eve Services, all the Christmas Music. My younger two children ds 15 and dd 21 love to decorate. Our house is small, so I need to come up with new decorating ideas so the place doesn't look cluttered. Come, Lord Jesus, Our Guest to be, And bless these gifts, Bestowed by Thee.Bless our dear ones everywhere,Keep them in Thy loving care.AmenMORAVIAN LOVE FEAST BUNS
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3/4 c. shortening1 c. sugar2 eggs2 tsp. salt1 tsp. mace1 c. warm mashed potatoes1 c. warm potato water2 pkgs. active dry yeast, dissolved in 1/2 c. water (warm)6 c. (approx.) all purpose flour
Cream shortening, sugar, eggs, salt and mace. Add potatoes, potato water, yeast and gradually enough flour to make a stiff dough. Knead well, adding flour as needed but do not exceed 8 cups of flour in all. Place in large greased bowl. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk. Shape into buns and let rise again until double. Bake in a 400 degree oven until browned, 15 to 20 minutes.
Printed from COOKS.COM
1 c. shortening1 c. brown sugar3 eggs1 c. molasses1 c. honey2 tsp. soda1 tsp. salt2 tsp. ginger2 tbsp. cinnamon8 c. flour
Cream shortening and sugar. Add honey, molasses and eggs. Add dry ingredients. Chill. Roll out 1/4 inch thick. Bake at 350 degrees.
Polar Bear Kisses (Candy)
White Chocolate bark
Peppermint candy crushed
I melt white chocolate in micro-wave (carefully as not to burn it) Pour into buttered pan, top with crushed peppermint candy.
I only do these on Christmas as they are so full of sugar.