Nov. 4 I am going to sell in a craft show. I made these Angels from pattern of a Colonial Church doll, added wings to make them angels- I used some vintage hankies I've been collecting.
Do you have just one plate- an old one or favorite one you don't want to get rid of or do you need a small mirror. I made this mirror from a plate and purchased round mirror for my dresser - you could hang it up with a plate hanger too.
It has been 10 and 12 yrs since We lost 2 babies. I appreciated the crotched blanket and little gown I was given. I would like to give some of these to the hospital for the premies. The loom to make these are 6" across- Knitting looms.
I've been making tote bags and purse organizers. I made 2 tote bags and 3 purse organizers and one cosmetic bag to match one of the purse. 1 denium tote bag I add stuff to.
I made this purse by taking apart another purse I bought from Good Will - I should have taken pic of the orginal purse- I have modified it some. This is gift for my mil for her bday- Sunday. On the bottom instead of making flat bottom way I usually do I folded the corner up and sewed a button on.